Artwok:Shinpei Kawai Artwok:Wanpaku Chunen Tonomaru Artwok:Shinya Ogiwara Artwok:TESSEY Artwok:Thireq Pecko


ギャラリスト、クリエイティブディレクター、アートディレクター、イラストレーター、映像ディ レクターなど、今のクリエイティブシーンに影響力を持つメンバーがエントリー作品全てを閲覧し、 5名のクリエイターを選出。フェア期間中に審査員賞を決定します。

Gallerists, creative directors, entrepreneurs, art directors, illustrators, video directors, and other influential members of the creative scene participate in the fair as judges. Each jury member will review all the entries and select five creators each. The jury awards will be determined during the fair.

飯沼 剛 / Go iIInuma

Gallery&Bar OFF THE RECORD ディレクター

1979年愛知県生まれ。2010年から美容と様々なカルチャーのクロスオーバーを精力的に活動し、ギャラリーの運営を経て、2020年名古屋覚王山にGallery&Bar「OFF THE RECORD」をオープン。

Born in 1979 in Aichi, Japan, Off the Record has been actively involved in the crossover between beauty and various cultures since 2010, and after managing a gallery, opened Gallery&Bar “OFF THE RECORD” in Kakuozan, Nagoya in 2020.
Off the Record invites artists of note, and plans and operates exhibitions, pop-ups, and other events. We are striving, at our own pace, to make the culture of displaying artwork in one’s room as commonplace as fashion and music.
Personally, he grew up influenced by the spirit of DIY culture and artwork of the 90’s punk scene, and has a strong interest in alternative and lo-fi expression.


井浦歳和 / toshikazu Iura

AaP/roidworksgallery 代表 ブレイク前夜〜次世代の芸術家たち〜統括プロデューサー

画商 ギャラリスト 美術商(株)ロイドワークスギャラリー代表. ブレイク前夜〜次世代の芸術家たち〜プロデューサー 美術商交換会いちいち会 会主 AaP/roidworksgallery 代表

Art dealer, gallerist, art dealer, representative of roidworksgallery, Inc. Producer of “The Night before the Break – Artists of the Next Generation”, Art Dealers Exchange Association Ichi-ichi-ichi-kai, Chairman, AaP/roidworksgallery, Representative of AaP/roidworksgallery.

LINK roidworksgallery

LINK ブレイク前夜

家入一真 / Kazuma Ieiri



After founding paperboy&co. (now GMO Pepabo) and becoming the youngest listed company on JASDAQ, he founded CAMPFIRE Inc. in 2011 and became Representative Director; founded BASE Inc. in 2012 and became co-founding Director; listed on TSE Mothers (now Growth) in 2019. In addition, he is a visiting professor at Kyoto University of Arts and an advisor to the N High School Entrepreneurship Club. He has a collection of several hundred works, mainly by young Japanese artists, based on his experience of pursuing oil painting as a student.

LINK 家入一真公式サイト

池田誠 / Makoto Ikeda

個人事業主 フリーランスキュレーター

ファッションやカルチャー誌でライター、スタイリスト、編集を経て、フリーランスのキュレーターに。ファッションやオシャレコンテンツとアートをつなぐハブとして国内外問わず活躍。マルチアートショー”YOU WANT SOME”も主宰。

After working as a writer, stylist, and editor for fashion and culture magazines, she became a freelance curator. He is active as a hub connecting fashion and fashionable contents and art both in Japan and abroad. He also organizes the multi-art show “YOU WANT SOME.


石山健三 / Kenzo Ishiyama

ケンエレファント 社長


We are doing what makes the world interesting. Each and every person in the world has something they find interesting. We want to expand what only one person finds interesting.

LINK ケンエレファント


エリック・チュウ / Eric Zhu

Shenzhen Fringe Art Center : Art Director
Intox Design & Communication : Creative Director
SGDA (Shenzhen Graphic Design Association) : Counselor

London University of Arts 卒業後、Intox Design & Communicationを設立。中国深圳のグラフィックデザイン協会・SGDA 代表を歴任。中国で最も重要とされるエキシビジョン「GDC11」のメインプランナーとして、中国の13都市での開催を企画するなど、様々なパブリックイベントをオーガナイズしている。SHINZHEN DESING WEEK 2018メインプロデューサー。2020年で11年目の開催となった「Shenzhen Fringe Festival 」を主催。2019年の来場実績は30万人で、“Art Everyone, Stage Everywhere”を信条にライブミュージック・演劇・ダンス・映画・トークショー・アクティビティ・パレードなど多彩なジャンルのアーティストが世界中から集まる世界最大級のアートイベントのひとつとして開催されている。

After graduating from London University of Arts, he founded Intox Design & Communication. He has served as the representative of SGDA, a graphic design association in Shenzhen, China. He has organized various public events, including being the main planner of GDC11, the most important exhibition in China, and organized the event in 13 cities in China. main producer of SHINZHEN DESING WEEK 2018. organized the Shenzhen Fringe Festival, which will be held for the 11th year in 2020. The festival is expected to attract 300,000 visitors in 2019, and will feature live music, theater, dance, film, talk shows, activities, and parades under the motto of “Art Everyone, Stage Everywhere”. The festival is one of the world’s largest art events, attracting artists from around the world in a variety of genres, including live music, theater, dance, film, talk shows, activities, and parades.

LINK Shenzhen Fringe Art Center

LINK Intox Design & Communication

LINK SGDA (Shenzhen Graphic Design Association)

鍛冶周作 / Shusaku Kaji

有限会社JIKAN Design 代表

映像デザインスタジオJINAN Design代表。自社ギャラリースペースJIKAN<space>の

“Representative of JINAN Design, a video design studio. Also plans and manages his own gallery space, JIKAN .
He also plans and manages his own gallery space, JIKAN . As an artist, his abstract video/acoustic works have been selected and screened at international video festivals and exhibitions, including the Centre Georges Pompidou (France, 2022) and LIAF2022 (London International Animation Film Festival).”


金谷 勉 / Tsutomu Kanaya



After graduating from the Faculty of Humanities at Kyoto Seika University, he joined a planning and production company. After working for an advertising production company, he established the design company “Cement Produce Design” in 1999. Based in Osaka, Kyoto, and Tokyo, he has been involved in producing corporate graphic design, promotions, and product development, and in 2011 began collaborative projects with over 600 local factories and craftspeople throughout Japan. He gives product development lectures at local governments and financial institutions in various regions, and tours the countryside 200 days a year.

LINK CEMENT produce design

Kanoknuch Sillapawisawakul (DEXEMBELL)

PRACTICAL Design Studio
Founder / Bankok, Thailand

グラフィックデザイナーとしてだけでなく、大学講師、キュレーター、アーティスト、WRAP ITワークショップの創設者、タイグラフィックデザイナー協会(ThaiGa)の委員でもある。タイ国内のみならず、日本のUNKNOWN ASIAの審査員も長年務める。

A graphic designer and one of the founders of Bangkok Illustration Fair, PRACTICAL School of Design and PRACTICAL Design Studio.
She studied Communication Design at Bangkok University and holds a Master’s Degree in Cultural Management (Interdisciplinary/International Program) from Chulalongkorn University.
In addition to being a graphic designer, she is also a university lecturer, curator, artist, founder of the WRAP IT workshop, and committee member of the Thai Graphic Designers Association (ThaiGa). She has been a member of the jury for UNKNOWN ASIA in Japan as well as in Thailand for many years.
Since 2010, she has received numerous awards from around the world for his packaging and book designs. She has also been named Designer of the Year in the Emerging Graphic Design category by Silpakorn University and the Design Innovation Promotion Association, Department of International Trade Promotion, Thai Ministry of Commerce.

川口智士 / Sasohi Kawaguc



After graduating from college, he joined a band without working hard. They made their major label debut, but did not sell well. After 4 or 5 years of working as an office worker, he founded ZIZO, a production company with about 50 planners, directors, designers, and engineers, mainly in the area of digital promotion.


LINK CCC artlab.

納富健太郎 / Kentaro Notomi

京都 蔦屋書店アート担当

納富健太郎:1987年福岡生まれ。京都市在住。スタートアップ支援事業に従事したのち、アーティスト支援施設「Artist Cafe Fukuoka」に勤務。企業とアーティストのマッチング・展示企画やイベント運営を行う。2023年の10月からは京都 蔦屋書店にてアート担当として展覧会の企画などを行う。

Kentaro Notomi: Born in Fukuoka in 1987. Living in Kyoto City. After working in the startup support business, he joined Artist Cafe Fukuoka, an artist support facility. From October 2023, he will be in charge of art at Kyoto Tsutaya, planning exhibitions and other activities

LINK CCC artlab.

LINK 京都 蔦屋書店

佐藤由基孝/ Yukitaka Sato


2012年より、原宿にてTHE blank GALLERYを運営。国内の若手から中堅作家を中心に精力的に展覧会を開催するほか、海外からはストリートアーティストやミュージシャンを招聘しアート展を開催するなど、独特な切り口で東京アートシーンの一端を担っています。

Since 2012, he has been running THE blank GALLERY in Harajuku. In addition to vigorously holding exhibitions of young to mid-career artists from Japan, the gallery also invites street artists and musicians from overseas to hold art exhibitions, and plays a part in the Tokyo art scene with its unique approach.


庄野裕晃 / Hiroaki Shono

株式会社ユビエス 代表取締役

1999年アーティストエージェンシー「vision track」設立。2013年より活動をアジアへと広げ「世界を熱くするアジアンクリエイター150人」をPIE Internationalより発行した後、国際アートフェア「UNKNOWN ASIA」立ち上げに携わる。2017年アジアを舞台に、多様なコンテクストを編み新たな共創を生む、越境クリエイターエージェンシーubiesを設立。

In 1999, he established the artist agency “vision track”, and in 2013, he expanded his activities to Asia, publishing the book “150 Asian Creators Who Heat Up the World” from PIE International, and was involved in the launch of the international art fair “UNKNOWN ASIA”. In 2017, he established ubies, a cross-border creator agency that weaves diverse contexts and creates new co-creations in Asia.

LINK Ubies

LINK visiontrack

高橋キンタロー / Kintaro Takahashi

イラストレーター 個人事業主


In addition to various illustrations, he art-directed culture and fashion magazines from 8 to 90s. Recently, he has planned and curated WAVE exhibitions (Tokyo, Los Angeles, Sao Paulo, London) and large exhibitions at Parco Museum and Hankyu Umeda.
He is a member of OBANDOS, an art-based noise band that uses no instruments and performs at festivals around the country.

LINK instagram

谷口純弘 / Yoshihiro Taniguchi

株式会社チグニッタ 代表

1999年アーティストエージェンシー「vision track」設立。2013年より活動をアジアへと広げ「世界を熱くするアジアンクリエイター1963年生まれ。京都府出身。1990年FM802に入社。若手アーティスト発掘プロジェクト『digmeout』を立ち上げ「街」と「アート」と「人」をつなぎながら活動。2015年国際アートフェア『UNKNOWN ASIA』を企画、2020年まで携わる。2021年6月にFM802を退社『chignitta』設立。アーティストやさまざまな表現者たちのためのスペースを京町堀でスタート。

Born in 1963. Joined FM802 in 1990. He launched “digmeout,” a project to discover young artists, and has been active in connecting “the city,” “art,” and “people.In 2015, he planned the international art fair “UNKNOWN ASIA” and was involved in it until 2020, and in June 2021, he left FM802 and established “chignitta.
in Kyomachibori, a space for artists and various other forms of expression.

LINK chignitta

寺田順三 / Junzo Terada

イラストレーター 個人事業主


Focusing on illustration, graphic design, brand direction, and university teaching.

LINK Twitter


徳光健治 / Kenji Tokumitsu

株式会社タグボート 代表取締役社長

双日、アーサーアンダーセン、サイバードなどを経て、アジア最大級の現代アートのオンライン販売「tagboat」を運営。 日本の現代アート市場拡大のため、一般の方も気軽に買える機会をつくるべく奮闘中。とくに若手がプロとして活躍できる環境づくりに力を入れている。

After working for Sojitz, Arthur Andersen, CYBIRD, and other companies, he runs “tagboat,” one of the largest online retailers of contemporary art in Asia. He is currently working hard to expand the contemporary art market in Japan and to create opportunities for the general public to buy art in a casual manner. In particular, he focuses on creating an environment where young artists can work as professionals.

LINK tagboat

服部滋樹 / Shigeki Hattori

graf 代表 / 京都芸術大学 芸術学部教授


graf is a creative unit that considers and implements various elements of daily life through manufacturing. graf is pioneering a new field of activity that takes advantage of the environment and characteristics of different industries. In addition to serving as the president of graf, he also directs the company. He is the president of graf and also directs the company. He produces output that translates society from the perspective of all design fields.

LINK graf

久岡崇裕 / Takahiro Hisaoka

株式会社parks 代表取締役/コピーライター


We run a copywriting company just outside of Kyomachibori based on the philosophy of “Expanding the landscape with words.” I run a copywriting company near Kyomachibori based on this philosophy. This year marks exactly 10 years since I became independent. Originally, I started out writing corporate brochures and websites, and now my activities have expanded to include a number of other word-based activities, such as verbalizing corporate visions and brand messages, naming, writing training, and so on. We go anywhere in Japan.

LINK parks

フルタニタカハル / Takaharu Furutani

TANK酒場 マスター


Master of TANK bar located in the middle of Shinsaibashi neon dining area on the 2nd basement floor of Shinsaibashi PARCO.
DJ, event planner, art planner, and active in many other fields. father of 2 children.


LINK instagram

水野智弘 / Tomohiro Mizuno

株式会社 藤井大丸 7gallery(セブンギャラリー) Director

2020年 藤井大丸の7Fに7galleryをOPENし、ディレクターを務める。「独自性・先駆性」がコンセプトの7FのMD(マーチャンダイザー)、藤井大丸が運営するFUJII DAIMARU ONLINE SHOPのMDも兼務。”Art gallery director’s blog”で記事を執筆しています。

Born in 1976. Hobbies are futsal and running.
In 2020, he opened 7gallery on the 7th floor of Fujii Daimaru and serves as the director.He is also the MD (merchandiser) of 7F, which is based on the concept of “uniqueness and pioneering spirit,” and the MD of the Fujii Daimaru Online Shop. Art gallery director’s blog

LINK 7Gallery

森下ひろき / Hiroki Morishita

株式会社ダブリューアール クリエイティブ・ディレクター


He is active in the creative and promotional fields in the advertising industry. With the creed of “designing to the point where people are moved,” he provides communication design services from the start of a project to its output and beyond. He has produced a wide range of projects, including diversity projects, international sporting events, sound manufacturers, and government agencies. He also manages the cafe/gallery “neji,” and is active in Tokyo, Osaka, and other cities throughout Japan.

LINK 株式会社ダブリューアール

山根シボル / Shiboru Yamane

株式会社人間 代表 / アイデアマン

アイデアマン、クリエイティブディレクター。 日々、奇想天外な企画をなんとかシボリだし、株式会社人間の「人間っぽさ」を担っている。人の目を見て話せない性格のせいで、人の顔覚えられないという弱点がある。アート好き、ゲーム好き、そして大のラジオ好きのサブカルオタクであり、広告業界のハガキ職人という気分で世の中を大喜利的に見ている。

Idea man and creative director. He manages to come up with outlandish projects on a daily basis, and is responsible for the “humanness” of Ningen Co. He is unable to look people in the eye, which makes it difficult for him to remember their faces.He is a subculture geek who loves art, games, and radio.

LINK 株式会社人間

吉田貴紀 / Takaki Yoshida

株式会社BYTHREE 代表 クリエイティブディレクター


Creative Director, Art Director, established BYTHREE Inc. in 2013.
From the formulation of optimal concepts to their visualization, he proposes total solutions and delivers results. He has received numerous national and international awards.Loves design, art and good food


LINK instagram