カムイ ケン


宇宙アート作家 1959年東京生まれ 東京在住
2017年 ヒーリング施術のためのツールとして、*宇宙アートを導入。宇宙アートが放射するエネルギーを使ったヒーリングを開始。

2020年1月 宇宙アートの製作を開始。新型コロナウイルスから身体を防御するアート、ワインの味を変えるアート、神社のご神気を放射するアートなどを製作。
2023年5月 クオリアート社主催の横浜赤レンガ倉庫に於ける展覧会に初めて出展。作品タイトル:大神神社のご神気
2023年10月 「ダヴィンチとの共鳴」展(於、フランス)に出展。作品タイトル:「COVID19 Protection and Recovery」
2024年1月 アートクロス社主催の「日本・フランス友好促進企画 永遠の絆展」にて永遠の絆芸術大賞(新進気鋭アーティスト部門)を受賞。作品タイトル:伊勢神宮のご神気


Uchuart creator
Born in 1959 in Tokyo, Japan and have been living in Tokyo.
After working for a company for 30 years, learned Qigong in 2014 and started to perform treatments such as erasing cancer. (5 out of 10 cancers disappear)
2017 Introduced *Uchuart as a tool for healing treatments. Started healing using the energy radiated by uchuart.
*Uchuart is an the transformation of the energy of objects and workings into images. This artwork has the function of radiating energy from that image.

January 2020: Began production of uchuart. Produced arts are; art to defend the body from the COVID-19, art that changes the taste of wine, art that radiates the divine energy of a shrine,etc.
May 2023: Exhibited for the first time in an exhibition at the Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse organized by Qualate. Title of the work: "The Divine energy of Ogami-Sha Shrine
October 2023: Exhibited at the "Resonance with da Vinci" exhibition in France. Title of work: "COVID19 Protection and Recovery
January 2024: Awarded the Eternal Bonds Art Grand Prize (up-and-coming artist category) at the "Eternal Bonds Exhibition for the Promotion of Friendship between Japan and France" organized by Artcross. Title of work: The Divine energy of Ise Jingu Shrine

Principal fields of work include artwork for healing (health-related), artwork of sacred spirits of shrines, dragons, etc., and artwork of flower energy.
Artworks are created as digital data. Digital data and their printings function to radiate the energy.
Also, some of them are developed on canvas with acrylic paints, and can perform the same function.
Future goal is to expand the scope of work with a focus on the production of uchuart that can perform useful functions in the real world.
The production of artworks is completely self-directed.
Some of his works are also presented on Instagram.



1959年 東京生まれ
1983年 早稲田大学理工学部電気工学科卒業
1983年~2013年 三菱商事株式会社勤務
2014年 中田式気功を習得 気功によるヒーリング活動を開始
2017年 宇宙アートを使ったヒーリングを始める
2020年 宇宙アートの製作を始める
2023年 アート作品として展覧会への出展を始める
2024年 「日本・フランス友好促進企画 永遠の絆展」にて「永遠の絆芸術大賞(新進気鋭アーティスト部門)」を受賞

Born in 1959
1983 Graduated from Waseda University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering
1983-2013 Worked for Mitsubishi Corporation
2014 Learned Nakada-style qigong
2017 Started healing treatment using uchuart
2020 Started producing uchuart
2023: Start to exhibit works of uchuart in exhibitions
2024 Won the “Eternal Bonds Art Grand Prize (up-and-coming artist category)” at the “Japan-France Friendship Promotion Project Eternal Bonds Exhibition
